Company name:
limited liability company "SVIFT SOLIUSHNS"
Reliability and solvency check

limited liability company "SVIFT SOLIUSHNS"

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As for: 25 Jan 2022
Reg# 38879401
Company name limited liability company "SVIFT SOLIUSHNS"
Address Україна, ****, Харківська обл., місто Харків, МАЙДАН ПОВСТАННЯ, будинок */*
(77 companies at this address)
Main economic activity Data processing, hosting and related activities
Status Registered
Date of establishment 2013-10-21 00:00:00

SEO & owners

(5 companies on this name)

Contact information

From the official registry
Company contacts Phone 1: +380509643729;
From the unofficial sources
Phone number 380994357171
no contact info available
Web-site no contact info available
Business description Издательство и публикации в режиме онлайн;
Key words no info available
  2 USD

Financial state

As for: 01 Jan 2020
Measurement unit: thous. of UAH. without decimal place
Net sales Total assets Total liabilities Net assets

Key financial indicators

Measurement unit: thous. of UAH. without decimal place
Indicator on 31.12.2015 y. on 31.12.2016 y. on 31.12.2017 y. on 31.12.2018 y. on 31.12.2019 y.
Net sales
Total assets
Total liabilities (including):
long-term liabilities (%)
current liabilities (%)
Net assets

Balance Sheet

Measurement unit: thous. of UAH. without decimal place
Assets on 31.12.2015 y. on 31.12.2016 y. on 31.12.2017 y. on 31.12.2018 y. on 31.12.2019 y.
Total assets
Total fixed (non-current) assets:
Unfinished buildings
Tangible (plant) assets:
Initial book value
depreciation (%)
Long-term biological assets
Long-term financial investments
Other non-current assets
Total current аssets:
Inventories (including):
goods & finished products (%)
Current biological assets
Receivables from budget
From budget
Other current receivables
Current financial investments
Cash and cash equivalents
Prepaid expenses
Other current assets
Passive on 31.12.2015 y. on 31.12.2016 y. on 31.12.2017 y. on 31.12.2018 y. on 31.12.2019 y.
Total liability
Registered (issued) capital
Additional capital
Reserve capital
Other capital (reserves)
not paid capital
Retained earnings (uncovered loss)
Long-term liabilities
Total current liabilities:
Short-term bank loans
Deferred income
Other current liabilities
Trade and other payables (including):
goods, works, services (%)
state budget and insurances payments (%)
employees salaries payments (%)

Profit & loss

Measurement unit: thous. of UAH. without decimal place
on 31.12.2015 y. on 31.12.2016 y. on 31.12.2017 y. on 31.12.2018 y. on 31.12.2019 y.
Net sales (goods, works, services)
Cost of goods sold
Gross profit (loss)
Other operating income
Other operating expenses
Operating profit (loss)
Other income
Other expenses
Pre tax profit
Profit after tax
  2 USD